I love stories, community and exploring!
Our beautiful, diverse planet and the fantastic organisms that inhabit it are what inspire me most. Love for the natural world fuels my passion to live with a minimal impact and create cards and prints using sustainable materials. I print everything myself so I can use post consumer recycled paper, hemp paper, or reclaimed paper. I also cut and assemble each card (or print) by hand.
The originals are painted using long-lasting, non-toxic watercolours. My first real foray in watercolour began about ten years ago, when a family friend gave me an art travel set. I still use that same set today, though some of the colours seem to have become very small.
Sometimes I also create art using reclaimed or found materials. With two of my friends, I founded the Resurrections Art Group. A collective that creates and curates art for Found & Recycled Art Shows.
I do hope you enjoy my galleries!
To the right is a picture taken in Bioko, EG, where I worked with sea turtles. In my hand is a green sea turtle hatchling. You can also see the iconic "sleeping giant" island that was visible from our camp. I lived there in a tent for five months while our crew did turtle and primate research.